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The 57th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (abbreviated as ESJ57) will be held by the organizing committee and program committee as follows.
The meeting features public lecture, symposia, forums, oral and poster presentations, organized sessions, workshops, business meetings, award recipient lectures, banquet, and poster presentations by high school students. With respect to the organized sessions and workshops, please refer to "Organized sessions and workshops" section.
Registration for participation, application for oral and poster presentations, and proposals of organized sessions and workshop will be accepted on the official web site: Please refer to "Process of registration" for details.
Any person who wishes to attend the meeting is invited to register on the official web site. However, applicants for oral and poster presentations and organizers of symposia, organized sessions and workshops should be members of the Ecological Society of Japan. To present papers or to organize meetings, membership dues for the 2010 year should be paid. If you are not a ESJ member, please fill and send the Membership Application Form when you apply for an oral or poster presentation or propose an organized session or workshop, and pay the dues by the end of January, 2010. For joining the Ecological Society of Japan, refer to http://www.esj.ne.jp/esj/index-e.html , or please contact:
The Ecological Society of Japan 1-8 Koyama Nishihanaike-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 606-8148, Japan E-mail:TEL/FAX: +81-75-384-0250
A Program Book of the meeting will be sent around February 2010 to all the members of the ESJ except for those in arrears with the membership dues. Please pay the dues in advance by the end of December 2009 to receive the book.
The Program Book will not be sent to non-member registrants. Please read the program on the official website which will appear around February 2010 or the Book of Abstracts which will be sold on site.
Registration fee do not include charge of a copy of the Book of Abstract in the ESJ57 to cut-off registration fee and to reduce the use of paper.
Reflecting the result of a questionnaire survey conducted in the ESJ56, the Book of Abstracts requires additional charge, 3,000 yen for regular member or 2,000 yen for students in the ESJ57. If you wish to purchase the Book of Abstract, order it at the registration process.
The Book of Abstracts will be able to download from the official website as PDF files. Also, abstracts will be easily viewed at the official website (http://www.esj.ne.jp/meeting/57/index-e.html) anytime. You can view abstracts with a mobile phone capable of the Internet access by QR code printed on the Program Book.
Some copies of the Book of Abstracts are prepared for your request on site, however, we will not be able to provide sufficient number of copies. We will sell the Book of Abstracts in order of arrival, so, please forgive us in case of sold-out. If you need the Book of Abstracts, order it at the registration process.
Thank you for your understanding that this alteration based on the questionnaire survey for the members, and aims to reduce paper resource and to cut the registration fee off.
The meeting will be held mainly in Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo from Monday, March 15 to Saturday, March 20. Main events are tentatively planned as follows. However, the schedule may be altered depending on the numbers of proposals of symposia, organized sessions, and workshops. Details will be announced on the official web site.
Firstly, please apply for the participation in the registration system linked from the ESJ57 official web site (http://www.esj.ne.jp/meeting/57/). Registration system will start from October 1st. The deadline of prior registration is 17:00, February 18, 2010 (JST).
The registration number issued in this procedure and your password are necessary for payment of the fees, submission of the abstract of your presentation, contacts, and reissuing confirmation e-mail. Please record and hold them by the time.
If you wish to give an oral or a poster presentation, please apply for the presentation at the same time. The deadline of registration is 17:00, November 13, 2009 (JST). If you are decided to talk at a symposium or an organized session, please apply only for the participation of the meeting, because the organizer of the symposium or the organized session will register instead of you. Notice that you can not register the resume of your talk unless you've finished registration for the participation of the meeting.
If you wish to purchase the Book of Abstracts, mark the checkbox of "wish to purchase the Book of Abstracts" in the application form of registration system. Refer "The fees for registration and banquet and payment" for details.
Deadlines for proposals are as follows.
These application will be accepted from about one month before the deadline. However, the schedule may be altered depending on the circumstance. Details will be announced on the official web site.
Registration fee (NOT including a copy of Book of Abstracts)
The member means an ESJ member in the 2010 year. The regular member fee will be applicable to those who send application form at the time of registration and pay the dues by the end of January, 2010. Refer to "Outline of the meeting" for details on joining ESJ.
Send the fees by bank transfer to the following account. Please write the registration number issued at the registration process on the web with your name.
The ESJ57 solicits proposals of organized sessions and workshops in the same way as in the ESJ56. Organized sessions and workshops are invited collectively and divided into organized sessions and workshops by the program committee considering choices by the organizers. We expect a lot of applications from those who understand the following points.
Organizers of organized sessions and workshops have to be ESJ members including the Class-C members.
Those who hope to organize organized sessions and workshops should submit proposals by Friday, October 23, 2009 17:00 (JST) on the official website.
Both the organized sessions and workshops should be held under the responsibility of the organizers. The program committee is not concerned in the contents, unless they include a slander or a personal attack and so on.
Each organized session or workshop will be 2 hours.
Organized sessions and workshops are planned from March 15th (Mon.) to 19th (Fri.). It is probable that workshops are assigned time zones in the days when some business meetings or the public lecture are held.
Because of limited space and time for the meeting, we may be forced to decline some proposals. If too many workshops are proposed, the program committee will ask the organizers who submit multiple proposals to step aside. Next, we ask the symposium organizers to give up the proposals. If the number of proposed workshops still exceeds the expected, the program committee will determine winning workshops by lottery. The decision will be sent to the organizers by November 20, 2009 (Fri.) via e-mail.
Several forums organized by some committees in the ESJ will be held. A forum is aimed at widely soliciting opinions of the ESJ members, allowing them to share common information and making general consensus among them through a broad discussion, on the theme the committees are concerned with. The organizers and panelists reserve the right to organize a symposium or give a presentation in some sessions.
ESJ members are invited to give a presentation in the style of oral or poster sessions. Please choose your preference for the presentation style (oral or poster). However, for the reasonable use of limited space and time, we may ask you to change your presentation style (oral or poster).
We solicit oral presentations in English for providing ESJ members with opportunities to talk and discuss in English and also to communicate with those who do not understand Japanese. We offer choices of "prefer a presentation in the English session" and "prefer a English presentation at a specified session."
For assigning rooms and times for oral presentations and sorting poster presentations appropriately by the contents of presentations, please choose less than three sections from the most preferable in the following list.
1. Plant community / 2 .Plant population / 3. Plant ecophysiology / 4. Plant reproduction / 5. Life history of plants / 6. Pollination / 7. Seed dispersal / 8. Mycological ecology / 9. Microbial ecology / 10. Landscape ecology / 11. Succession/Regeneration / 12. Phenology / 13. Animal-plant interactions / 14. Evolution / 15. Species diversity / 16. Mathematical ecology / 17. Animal community / 18. Animal reproduction / 19. Animal population / 20. Life history of animals / 21. Behavior / 22. Socioecology / 23. Molecular ecology / 24. Paleoecology / 25. Conservation / 26. Ecosystem management / 27. Invasive species / 28. Urban ecology / 29. Production ecology / 30. Material cycling / 31. Education and popularization of ecology / 32 English (for any special subject)
Session rooms are equipped only with an LCD projector and a Personal Computer. No overhead projector and slide projector are available. Microsoft Power Point Viewer (Power Point 2003 on Windows) and Adobe Acrobat Reader are installed on the PC. The use of your own PC is not acceptable. Please check the Notes on File Preparation for details.
Each poster will be mounted on a 90cm width by 210cm height poster board. Poster session will be conducted in three sections. About 1000 posters are scheduled to be acceptable in these three sections. We may ask you to move to oral presentation if the applications for poster presentation exceed the capacity.
The Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ) awards a Prize to excellent poster presentations for encouraging young scientists. The award will be selected from posters by young scientists who entered for the contest. Applicants are restricted as follows,
We set restrictions for applicant of Poster award listed below from ESJ57.
One of the major reason why we set restriction for the applicant is, too much cost for reviewers of posters, due to the increase of applicants. One poster is evaluated by three reviewers. Reviewers are selected from the participants of the meeting, without any payment for the work. In the ESJ56, the former meeting, there were 545 applicant for the Poster award, and we asked more than 120 participants to work as a reviewer. It is hard to select such number of reviewers from the participants. Moreover, reviewers were asked to review numerous posters (maximum 20) in limited time that they were forced to reduce his/her own time to commit for the symposium or to discuss with other participants. In addition to that, there are some young researchers who are awarded Poster award repeatedly. To solve these problems, we set the restriction for the applicants for Poster award.
The Poster award was aimed to encourage young researchers and to improve presentation techniques. It start in the ESJ49, which was held in 2002, and Many of the participants would find improvement in the posters presented in the ESJ meetings. We suppose the half of the aim of Poster award has completed.
Successful development of Poster award, however, lead to the fact that only few young researchers give oral presentation. Oral presentation needs presentation technique to explain research results systematically in limited time, which may be different from the technique that is needed in poster presentation. Young researchers are expected to have experience of giving oral presentation after they have had enough experience of poster presentation. Moreover, young researchers are expected to try to make up your research results as a scientific thesis. The aim of poster award is truly accomplished if young researchers who attained for Poster award take steps up as a researcher. We hope you will understand that the restriction for applicants of Poster award is based on our expectation for young researchers to grow up.
Poster presentation session by high school students will be held in the ESJ57
This session aims to enhance interest of young people on ecology through contacts with ecological researchers and students. We welcome all the presentations in any fields of study, and presentations on any materials, while it treats biology which concern on the behavior of creatures or environment.
Please send an e-mail which note the following contents, whose subject is "High school students poster presentation registration". The deadline is December 4th (Fri.), 2009. We hope your early registration.
Masakazu Shimada Chair of Ecological Education Committee, the Ecological Society of Japan c/o Department of General System Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8902 Japan. TEL :03-5454-6003 or 6796 E-mail :![]()
Public Lecture of the ESJ (planned by the Public Lecture Organizing Committee) will be held as follows:
The 13th Public Lecture of the ESJ
"Why do we protect life on Ewart? - the value of nature protected by Convention on Biological Diversity"
Enjoy the banquet at Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel in the evening of March 17th (Wed.), 2010. The place is located near Shibuya station (about 5 min. walk) and largest around Shibuya. We welcome many participants.
A day-care center will be open in the main venue, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo. Details on available time and application will appear on the official website of the ESJ57.
A competition of futsal games, Ecocup 2010 is planned as a satellite program on March 20th (Sat.), 2009 at the Gotenshita Memorial Arena, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo. It is managed by an independent organizing committee for Ecocup 2009. Details will be appeared on the official website.
The organizing committee do not arrange hotel accommodations and tour reservations.
Organizing Committee of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan c/o Department of General System Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8902 Japan. Chair: Izumi Washitani Secretary General: Masakazu Shimada E-mailor correspondence on any subjects , please enter your questions in the inquiry form on this website.Official web site: http://www.esj.ne.jp/meeting/57/