[:ja]プログラム訂正(正誤表)の受付開始[:en]Start accepting requests for the errata of ESJ65 program[:]




  1. 共著者の追加・削除や著者氏名の誤りの訂正
  2. 講演タイトルの訂正
  3. 1と2の両方

訂正依頼の締切は、2月13日(火)23:59です。[:en]Dear Organizers and/or speakers

We accept the correction requests for the errata of ESJ65 program only in the title of your presentation and/or name(s) of author(s). If you find any correction by checking the web program, please login the online registration system. Click “correction request” and go on the procedure. Revised information will appear on the erratum page of ESJ65 website program.

The deadline is 23:59 (JST), Tuesday February 13, 2018.[:]