| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第58回全国大会 (2011年3月,札幌) 講演要旨

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-084

Sustainable development strategy for coral reef resources, Mindanao

*Brando Cabigas Razon, Nobukazu Nakagoshi (Hiroshima Univ.)

Marine Protected Areas (MPAS) have been claimed as one of the most important tools for the protection and management marine and fishery resources. This study was conducted in four MPAs in Sarangani Province, Philippines: Glan Padidu Marine Sanctuary, Kapatan Marine Reserve, Tuka Marine Park and Kamanga Marine Ecotourism Park and Sanctuary. The ecological health of the coral reef such as coral cover and species diversity in each MPA were taken from the secondary sources. Interview of the fishermen around the established MPAs was conducted to determine their productivity before and after the establishment of MPA based on the catch per unit effort (CPUE). MPA management was assessed based on the interview of the MPA Board members. Data show that all four MPAs investigated have fair coral cover. Result of the study revealed that after a certain period of time of the establishment and well management of these MPAs, the CPUE of the fishermen fishing around these protected areas has increased. However, failure in MPA management of Glan Padidu Marine Sanctuary and Kapatan Marine Reserve resulted to damage of the coral reef and decreased fish catch. Management problem of the Kamanga Marine Ecotourism Park and Sanctuary did not help increase the CPUE of the fishermen.
