| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 講演要旨
ESJ59/EAFES5 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-125A (Poster presentation)

Interspecific variation in size dependent resprouting ability of temperate trees and its adaptive significance

*Shibata, R. (Tohoku Univ.), Tanaka, H. (FFPRI), Shibata, M. (FFPRI Tohoku), Iida, S. (FFPRI Hokkaido), Hatta, F., Kurokawa, H., Nakashizuka, T. (Tohoku Univ.)

To understand the adaptive significance of resprouting ability, the size dependency of resprouting ability after stem clipping for 24 deciduous trees at Ogawa Forest Reserve was formulated and correlated to functional traits and life history traits.

All studied species resprout as juveniles, but many trees lost resprouting ability after attaining a particular size. The ontogenetic changes in resprouting ability for each species were described with three parameters, Initial sprouting ability (Rsap), Size of maximum sprouting (Rmax), and Increasing rate of sprouting ability. Rsap was negatively correlated with maximum basal area and specific force to punch leaf, and positively with size distribution index (SDI); higher SDI indicates disturbance dependent. Species with relatively large Rmax had higher SDI than species with relatively small Rmax.

These results suggest that disturbance dependent trees have high resprouting ability as juveniles and keep resprouting ability until adults, and they may adapt to infrequent fire. Disturbance independent trees, in contrast, resprout only as juveniles, indicating resprouting as adults is less important. Shrubs had high resprouting ability throughout life, and frequent stem alternation may be adaptation to frequently disturbed site.
