| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 講演要旨
ESJ59/EAFES5 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-156J (Poster presentation)

Functional morphology and comparative anatomy of the limbs in Cuban Anolis Lizards with different locomotor habits

*Anzai, W., Endo, H.(Univ. Tokyo), Kawata, M.(Tohoku Univ.), Diaz,A.C.(Univ. Havana)

To understand the evolution of the reptiles, limbs are functional-morphologically important trait, since they may produce various locomotion styles. However, few morphological studies have detailed form and function of the appendicular skeletals and muscles among lizards living in different habitats. In this study, therefore, we dissected and observed Anolis lizards that have diversified in Caribbean islands, and examined morphological characteristics of limb muscles in three species adapted to different habitats. We compared the following 3 ecomorph types of anoles from Cuba: TG, Trunk-Ground type; TC, Trunk-crown type; CG, Crown-Giant type. TG is terrestrial and faster runner, TC is arboreal and speedy climber, and CG has a huge body, and rarely come down from tree. The results indicate that TG anoles possess large extensor muscles in their hindlimb which are advantageous for kicking land surface when running. TC anoles are equipped with powerful retractors in their shoulder, allowing these lizards to haul themselves towards when they are climbing. In shoulder and hip of CG anoles, there are highly developed adductor muscles which enable them to hold the thick branches on the arms and legs. These findings suggest that a single genus Anolis has evolved various strategies in locomotion within Cuban island.
