| 要旨トップ | 目次 | | 日本生態学会第61回全国大会 (2014年3月、広島) 講演要旨 ESJ61 Abstract |
一般講演(口頭発表) G1-08 (Oral presentation)
We have tried on strategic assessment to detect potential mangrove restoration sites based on remote sensing and GIS on shrimp farming area in northern Vietnam. The various ecological services of mangrove wetland have been re-realized. Furthermore, recent reports have suggested that mangrove ecosystems are the most vulnerable to sea level rise due to global climate change. Since the 1980s in Vietnam however, mangrove ecosystem are critically endangered by rapidly increasing of aquaculture industry.
In the Quảng Ninh province we focused, shrimp ponds construction was started from early in 1980s. So some ponds have finished their cultivate activity already. The objective is to support nature restoration of mangrove ecosystem by tree-planting program on abundant aquaculture ponds.
1) To detect potential mangrove habitat and distribution of aquaculture using GIS and remote sensing.
2) To evaluate a relation between survived mangroves and field condition in previous restoration sites.
Through this process, we assessed some proposed sites for mangrove restoration in Northern Vietnam and made a proposal of strategic environmental assessment. This new framework decreased costs and increased effectiveness compared to previous approaches.