| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第61回全国大会 (2014年3月、広島) 講演要旨
ESJ61 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) PA1-057 (Poster presentation)

Influence of seed-cone production and climatic factors on height growth and branch extension in Abies sachalinensis

Seki, T. (FFPRI, Hokkaido)

To understand the crown dynamics of canopy trees under ongoing climate change, the influences of seed-cone production and climatic factors on height growth and branch extension were examined for 10 Abies sachalinensis trees in a cold temperate forest near Nakayama Pass in southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. For seed-cone production, the number of seed-cone rachides that remained on the main axes of branches in the upper part of the crowns was used for "seed-cone index (SCI)." The SCI, mean monthly temperature, monthly precipitation and temperature sum (with a threshold temperature of 5 °C during the growing season) were used for explanatory variables in linear mixed models. A temporal depression in both height growth and branch extension occurred in the year of seed-cone production, but the influence of several climatic factors on the growth was greater than that of seed-cone production. For the examined factors, the mean monthly temperature in May in the year of height growth showed a prominent positive effect on growth, while there was no prominent effect on branch extension by any climatic factor. In the crown dynamics of A. sachalinensis canopy trees, a clear response to climate change may occur only on height growth.
