| 要旨トップ | ESJ61 シンポジウム 一覧 | 日本生態学会第61回全国大会 (2014年3月、広島) 講演要旨
ESJ61 Abstract

シンポジウム S03 -- 3月15日 9:30-12:30 C会場

Citizen science: New approach for contributing to success of science, education and conservation

Organizers: Hiromi Kobori (Tokyo City University), Wataru Kitamura (Tokyo City University), Shinichi Takagawa (The Nature Conservation Society of Japan)

Biodiversity is rapidly decreasing all over the world as reported in CBD COP10 at Nagoya, and various problems have remained unresolved. Collecting wide range of ecological data both in terms of time and space is necessary to understand and evaluate present situations and to take conservation actions. However, this could not be achieved only by the researchers, but help from the citizens who are interested in nature and willing to contribute in science is indispensable. Although involvement of citizens in scientific research, known as citizen science, is still limited in ecological field in Japan, in the United States, it has been grown rapidly in the past decade. In this symposium, we will discuss the effectiveness of citizen science for contributing to three fields; pure science, environmental education and conservation. We invite Prof. Janis L. Dickinson (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology), who is a leading person of this field, for a keynote lecture and will discuss challenges and social roles of citizen science in Japan and other countries.

Short report: Tatsuya Amano (University of Cambridge)

[S03-1] New phase of citizen science  Hiromi Kobori (Tokyo City University)

[S03-2] Web-based citizen science as a mechanism for combined study of natural and human systems  Janis L. Dickinson (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology)

[S03-3] Citizen science in Japan: past and present  Shinichi Takagawa (NACS-J)

[S03-4] Conservation ecological studies on participatory biodiversity monitoring  Izumi Washitani (The University of Tokyo)

[S03-5] Research design and volunteer coordination taking account of different skill levels  Kazuo Koyama (Bird Research)

[S03-6] Social engagement in citizen science and conservation practices by museum programs  Hiromune Mitsuhashi (Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo)
