| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第62回全国大会 (2015年3月、鹿児島) 講演要旨
ESJ62 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) H1-21 (Oral presentation)

After a century of intensifying human activities in sub-tropical lowlands - perspectives from historical and present bird distributions in Taiwan

*KO, Chie-Jen, LEE, Pei-Fen

Biodiversity change in response to human-induced environmental alteration is rarely assessed in sub-tropical terrestrial regions. We assessed the population status change of 127 terrestrial breeding birds in Taiwan between the agricultural era (1863–1945) and industrial era (1990– present). We acquired population status from historical and current literatures. Traits reflecting species’ preference for natural environments, ability to adapt anthropogenic environments, and distribution along elevation gradient were used as explaining factors to infer the driver of population change. The number of species that declined after industrialization (30) is close to those that increased (27). Habitat generalists that inhabit multiple anthropogenic environments and elevation zones were suggested to have a higher chance to increase in population status. Overall, considerable loss of species richness is not observed in our study region. The trend towards more generalists in the terrestrial breeding avifauna reflects a process towards biotic homogenization. Effect of community structure change to ecosystem function may be a more important environmental issue than species loss in sub-tropical regions.
