| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第62回全国大会 (2015年3月、鹿児島) 講演要旨
ESJ62 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) I1-02 (Oral presentation)

The Charateristic of Carbon Cycling in a Moso bamboo Plantation, Central Taiwan

*Lin, M.Y. (Taiwan Univ.), Kume, T.(Taiwan Univ.), Hsieh, Y.F.(Taiwan Univ.)

The aggressive expansions of Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) forest have been intruding surrounding ecosystems in eastern Asian countries in recent years. The local carbon (C) balance including aboveground and belowground might be affected greatly by the replacements. Therefore, the aims of this study were to understand characteristic of C cycle in a pure Moso bamboo plantation. To this end, this study 1) estimated the annual soil respiration (Rs) with the spatial variations and 2) examined C stock of above and belowground in the Moso bamboo stand. The range of autocorrelation in Rs was 2.95 to 16.96 m, and was comparable with that of tropical rainforests. The annual mean Rs with spatial variation characteristics was 3.19 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1, which was much higher than coniferous and natural broadleaf forest with similar climate conditions.

The net primary productivity (NPP) (12.48 Mg C ha-1 yr-1) was higher than Cedar forests (Cryptomeria japonica), Taiwania forest (Taiwania cryptomerioides), and China fir forest (Cunninghamia lanceolata). Further, net ecosystem productivity (NEP) was estimated as 7.17 Mg C ha-1 yr-1, was larger than surrounding forests. Therefore, this study suggests that the Moso bamboo forest is a strong C sink in terrestrial forest ecosystem.
