| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第62回全国大会 (2015年3月、鹿児島) 講演要旨
ESJ62 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) PA2-087 (Poster presentation)

Fruiting affects nitrogen uptake and allocation in mature Fagus crenata trees

*Han, Q., Inagaki, Y., Kabeya, D. and Noguchi, K. (FFPRI)

Reproduction consumes enormous resources, particularly in masting plants. Masting refers to intermittent and synchronous production of large seed crops and is accepted to be caused by resource storage depletion in masting years. However, the latest studies demonstrated that seed production relies exclusively on current-year photo-assimilate and not on stored carbohydrate. Here, we estimate to what extent seed production relies on nitrogen (N) storage and uptake from soil by tracing seasonal variation of 15N labeled N in fruiting and non-fruiting mature trees of Fagus crenata. The 15N (NH4Cl) containing water (equivalent to 10% of soil ammonium N) was sprayed to the soil surface around six trees after leaf unfolding.

N concentration in neither leaves nor branches differed between fruiting- and non-fruiting trees. However, 15N abundance differed between the two trees. In current-year shoots practically, 15N was significantly higher early in the growing season in fruiting trees, suggesting additional uptake from the soil in response to stronger sink strength due to additional burden of fruits. The amount of newly incorporated 15N to seeds suggested that compensatory N uptake from the soil contributed greatly to masting events.
