| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第63回全国大会 (2016年3月、仙台) 講演要旨
ESJ63 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) E3-53 (Oral presentation)

Prey attraction to trap leaves of carnivorous plant species by flowers of coexisting plant species

Kazuki Tagawa*(Kyushu univ.), Mikio Watanabe(Aichi univ. of edu.), Tetsukazu Yahara(Kyushu univ.)

Carnivorous plants use insects not only as prey but also as pollinators. If a carnivorous plant species is highly selfing and has no inbreeding depression, catching pollinators as prey can be an advantageous strategy. We show here the first example that carnivorous plant having trap leaves very close to flowers and are highly selfing (Drosera makinoi Masamune and Drosera toyoakensis M.Watanabe) catch major pollinator species. Both Drosera species trapped pollinator species; 4 among 5 pollinator species in D. makinoi and 1 among 6 in D. toyoakensis. We also investigated whether the existence of flowers of Drosera and co-occurring plant species affects the number of prey trapped by the carnivorous plant species. The existence of flowers of co-occurring plant species affected the number of prey positively. On the other hand the existence of flowers of Drosera did not affect the number of prey significantly. Trapping pollinators of other plant species blooming near around Drosera is advantageous for carnivorous plant species and there is a possibility that the existence of non-carnivorous plant species simultaneously around carnivorous plant species can affect the fitness of the carnivorous plant species positively.
