[F2-13] Data assimilation experiments with MODIS LAI observations and the dynamic global vegetation model SEIB-DGVM
[F2-14] Diet Analysis of Cervus nippon yakushimae from stomach contents based on next-generation sequencing
[F2-15] Quantitative estimates of food resources of a newly-established magpie Pica pica population using stable isotope analysis.
[F2-16] How does urban land use affect hornet species abundance? A case of Nagoya city
[F2-17] Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Proposed Restoration of the Lynnhaven River Ecosystem in Virginia, USA
[F2-18] Reef rehabilitation using transplanted hard corals at Con Co Island, Quang Tri Provice, Vietname.
[F2-19] Do urban squirrels distinguish risk levels exposed by different potential predators?
[F2-20] Conflict mitigation by agroforestry and profit sharing in tropical forests.
[F2-21] Regional differences in range shifts of butterflies to climate change and implications for protected areas in Japan
[F2-22] Individual or environmental factors : Which effects on nature attractiveness satisfaction of tropical urban park?
[F2-23] Assessment of protected area networks for bird biodiversity in Taiwan
[F2-24] Life history traits and exploitation affect the spatial mean-variance relationship in fish abundance