| 要旨トップ | 本企画の概要 | 日本生態学会第65回全国大会 (2018年3月、札幌) 講演要旨
ESJ65 Abstract

シンポジウム S04-2  (Presentation in Symposium)

Spatial and temporal heterogeneities in water temperature drive asynchronous phenology and prolong species interactions

*UNO, Hiromi(京都大学)

Many species interactions are associated with specific life history events of organisms. Foraging of emerging aquatic insects by riparian predators are one of them. As many organisms shift their phenology depending on the thermal conditions, ambient temperature can alter the timing of species interactions that are associated with life history events. Furthermore, spatial heterogeneity in ambient temperature can spatially asynchronize the timing of life history events, and prolong the duration of life history events as a population. Spatial heterogeneity in temperature, as a result, can prolong the life stage specific species interactions, altering organisms’ relationships. In this talk, I will first introduce how aquatic insects respond to variations in temperature, hence cope with the temporal and spatial variation in temperature as a life history strategy. Then, introduce how such  thermal responses of aquatic insects result in the alteration riparian predators’ growth in spatially heterogeneous environment. Emerging aquatic insects from streams are important food sources for riparian predators, yet their availability is seasonally limited. Spatial heterogeneity in stream water temperature was found to spatially desynchronize the emergence timing of aquatic insects, and prolong their flight period. My experimental study has shown the prolonged food availability can enhance the growth of riparian spiders. Restoring spatial heterogeneity in streams may benefit not only stream communities but also riparian predators.
