| 要旨トップ | ESJ65 企画集会 一覧 | 日本生態学会第65回全国大会 (2018年3月、札幌) 講演要旨
ESJ65 Abstract

企画集会 T12  3月15日 17:30-19:30 I会場

Exploiting digital tools to generate new insights into behaviour and ecology

Adam Cronin (Tokyo Metropolitan University), Masato S. Abe (RIKEN AIP)

Recent advances in computing power have coincided with advances in software, digital cameras, GPS accuracy, and development of a variety of other tools which can be used to both to collect and analyse data in unprecedented ways. These tools can generate new insights into ecology and behaviour of organisms, particularly with respect to elucidating broad-scale and long-term patterns and complex and/or cryptic systems. In this symposium we will present studies of a broad range of taxa which make use of new technology advance our understanding of biological systems. While we hope to share the advantages and limitations of a range of different techniques, we focus on new insights that can be gained through their employment.

[T12-1] Automatic tracking reveals temporal organization in ant colony 藤岡春菜(University of Tokyo)

[T12-2] Spatio-temporal structures in frog choruses revealed by sound-Imaging device 合原一究(University of Tsukuba)

[T12-3] Where and what do they do? Observation of animal behaviour using animal-borne data loggers: the case of seabirds 山本誉士(Nagoya University)

[T12-4] Microphone-array measurement and mathematical analysis of the acoustic navigation behavior by bats during natural foraging 藤岡慧明(Doshisha University)
