| 要旨トップ | 目次 | | 日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 講演要旨 ESJ66 Abstract |
一般講演(口頭発表) D01-04 (Oral presentation)
This study aimed to investigate the effect of organic amendments on soil carbon (C) dynamics and soil faunal changes in Zambia (sub-Sharan Africa). Soil C depletes in Zambia although C is essential to maintain soil’s ecosystem functions. We conducted a field survey at two sites in Zambia where is loamy sand soil (S) and sandy loam soil site (L)). Treatments included crop types (cassava, maize, and soybean) and amendment types (chemical fertilizer, cattle manure, poultry manure, maize residue, and control). Soil fauna was collected by pitfall traps every 2 weeks during crop growing season (from Dec 2017 to Apr 2018). CO2 emissions and soil moisture were measured at the same timing. Cattle manure increased cassava (31%, 15 t ha−1) and soybean (26%, 1.9 t ha−1), compared to others in site S, but those soils had less productivity than site L. CO2 emissions in site S during experiment increased due to organic amendments. However, the number of soil fauna was less abundance: 150/912 individuals at site S and L, respectively. In conclusion, organic amendments might have indirectly (soil fauna) influenced soil C dynamics in site L, while directly influenced in site S due to lack of carbon sources.