| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 講演要旨
ESJ66 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) D02-07  (Oral presentation)

Do deer know hunting tactics? Effects of spatiotemporal predictability of hunting on sika deer vigilance for hunting sites

*Saya YAMAGUCHI(TUAT), Kazutaka M Takeshita(TUAT, NIES), Kiyoshi Tanikawa(Kanagawa Prefecture), Kouichi Kaji(TUAT)

To evaluate the relationship between hunting tactics and factors influencing the level of human-predation risk perceived by prey animals, we analyzed photographic data of a sika deer population in the Tanzawa Mountains, Japan. In the hunting method not involving driving (hereafter stalking), the probability of re-capturing deer by camera-traps after hunting was negatively associated with the duration time of one hunting activity and the number of days elapsed from the previous hunting. Whereas, such relationships were not observed in the hunting method involving driving. On stalking, deer may be unable to recognize that the hunting is conducting unless other individual in the same or near herds is shot or they encounter hunters. Therefore, when one hunting activity lasted for longer time, more deer would perceive the existence of human-predation risk, possibly leading an increase in deer vigilance for hunting site. Likewise, characteristic of driving, easiness of perception of its beginning and end even from a distance, might not lead increase in deer vigilance despite the disturbance for the first time in a while. As deer vigilance level for hunting sites inevitably affect hunting efficiency, wildlife managers should note whether hunting method they about to use, involves driving or not.
