| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 講演要旨
ESJ66 Abstract

一般講演(口頭発表) I01-06  (Oral presentation)

Salamander population persistence from a spatially explicit cross-ecosystem perspective

*高木香里(東京大学大学院), 角谷拓(国立環境研究所), 宮下直(東京大学大学院)
*Kaori TAKAGI(The University of Tokyo), Taku Kadoya(NIES), Tadashi Miyashita(The University of Tokyo)

 The concept of meta-ecosystem has been paid attention in recent years, which integrates a set of ecosystems interconnected by movement of organisms or materials. Meta-ecosystems have hierarchical structures, comprising of connections between adjacent ecosystems of different habitats and those between distant ecosystems of similar habitats via dispersal. Meta-ecosystem concept was developed mainly by ecosystem ecology, but it should be applied for a variety of metapopulation ecology, particularly for organisms exhibiting ontogenetic habitat shifts.
 We targeted the salamander Hynobius tokyoensis that habits small mountain streams. At the local scale, we evaluated habitat quality for both of larval and adult salamanders considering resource-based connection. At the regional scale, we evaluated habitat connectivity via dispersal using circuit theory that assumes random movement in heterogeneous landscapes.
 As a result, deciduous forests are considered to be suitable for both larval and adult salamanders; deciduous forests appear to enhance water temperature and prey abundance in the larval period. At the regional scale, forest continuity appears to increase dispersal between streams and raise population size.  Thus, changing forest environments would have negative influence on the population of the salamander at both of local and regional scales.
