| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 講演要旨
ESJ66 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-051  (Poster presentation)

Effects of multiple stressors on amphibians: Landscape and Local factors in the central Japan 【B】

*Xiaojun ZHENG, Yoshihiro NATUHARA(Nagoya University)

We examined the breeding distribution of three frog species, Rana japonica, Rana ornativentris, and Bufo japonicus formosus, along the ecological gradient from urban to mountain areas. Number of egg masses and data on local and spatial variables were collected at 124 sites in Toyota and Okazaki, Central Japan. Effects of local and spatial variables on the number of egg masses were evaluated using generalized linear models (GLM; with negative error distribution and log-link function); the Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) was used for model selection. The lowest AIC was obtained at a 500-m-radius buffer for all three species. The number of egg masses of R. japonica was negatively affected by the percentage of concrete revetment, elevation, grassland area, and lawn area, and positively affected by the presence or absence of trees, forest area, buildings with many green spaces, city area, paddy-field area, wetland and riverside area and elevation difference. Oviposition in R. ornativentris was positively associated with water area, abandoned paddy-field area, whereas it was threatened by the percentage of concrete revetment, total road density, and open water area. Oviposition distribution of B. japonicus formosus was positively affected by the presence or absence of trees, percentage of aquatic vegetation, forest area, buildings with many green spaces, farmland and roadside area, lawn area, paddy-fields area, but negatively influenced by percentage of concrete revetment, elevation, and elevation difference. Agricultural intensification and urbanization had strong negative effects on species breeding.
