| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 講演要旨
ESJ66 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-034  (Poster presentation)

Efficient tools for repeated census based on multiple tablet devices: benefits for data inputting and quality in long-term data

*星崎和彦(秋田県立大学), 佐藤砂織(秋田県立大学), 板橋朋洋(秋田県立大学), 野口麻穂子(森林総研), 松下通也(森林総研)
*Kazuhiko Hoshizaki(Akita Pref. Univ.), Saori Sato(Akita Pref. Univ.), Tomohiro Itabashi(Akita Pref. Univ.), Mahoko Noguchi(FFPRI), Michinari Matsushita(FFPRI)

Management of dataset is often time- and labor-consuming in repeated census of ecological communities, e.g. tree census in a forest dynamics plot. As the dataset becomes bigger, the dataset management becomes increasingly complicated.

Despite existing data handling tools that utilize a “cleaned” dataset, less attention has been paid to tools for field survey and dataset preparation. Here we developed an iOS app that is optimized for repeated census of forest trees. The app is designed by FileMaker Pro and runs on unlimited number of iOS devices equipped with FileMaker Go. The system comprises pages for each tree, like a medical chart, including a variety of information (values in previous censuses, attributes of the tree, etc.) in each page. It features strong data searching and easy value diversion from existing records. We also developed a macro tool to quickly merge partial data from multiple devices, making surveys with multiple teams more efficient.

We have tested this system in the field and found advantages for a great reduction of time for data input and, in addition, for avoidance of human errors and input omissions. This system is customizable, using FileMaker Pro, for repeated censuses in any other ecosystems.
