| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 講演要旨
ESJ66 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-227  (Poster presentation)

ミャンマーにおける小規模金採掘の水銀汚染が地域の環境と健康に及ぼす影響 【B】
Effects of Mercury pollution to the local environment and health cognition in Small-Scale Gold Mining of Myanmar 【B】

*徳地直子(京都大学), Sone Soe Pyae(Dep. Environment, Myanmar), 法理樹里(京都大学)
*Naoko TOKUCHI(Kyoto Univ.), Sone Soe Pyae(Dep. Environment, Myanmar), Juri Hori(Kyoto Univ.)

Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is a globally-significant industry and the world’s fastest-growing source of mercury (Hg) contamination to environment and health. Gold deposits are widely abundant throughout Myanmar, and the gold excavation is particularly in the reserved forest. The forest degradation caused by the ASGM is also threatening and it goes that the mineral exploration can be devastated the long-term impacts of the forest ecosystem. The environment and social information are necessary to understand the sustainable ways of ASGM. The objective of this study is to investigate sustainable ways of ASGM in Myanmar. The total Hg (T-Hg) concentration was measured and a total of 174 households were interviewed from five villages where ASGM activities are widely practiced. The T-Hg concentration of soil and vegetable which were correspondingly over the limit level of the Japanese Environmental Standard and standard of WHO values. Structural equation modeling showed the significant relationship between the social components and the ecological indicators of soil and vegetable. The results figured out not only the environmental indicators such as soil were specifically highly contaminated, but also the social indicator of the ASGM communities ought to be considered for sustainable development.
