| 要旨トップ | 目次 | | 日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 講演要旨 ESJ66 Abstract |
一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-380 (Poster presentation)
Many studies on nitrate (NO3-) export from forested catchments have been conducted on temperate forests, but little attention has been paid to the differences in seasonality of NO3- export due to differences in climatic conditions, especially in seasonal patterns of precipitation. NO3- export in forests in Japan, affected by the Asian monsoon, shows a different seasonal pattern than those in the northeastern United States and northern Europe, where no monsoon occurs. Here, by examining the mechanism by which this difference occurs, the uniqueness of the mechanism of NO3- export in catchments in Japan is explored, along with an approach that leads to a more universal understanding of this mechanism. Factors that cause seasonal fluctuations in NO3- discharge include the biological conditions responsible for the production of NO3- and the hydrological conditions of NO3- transport and storage. To address these differences and understand the dynamics fully, a comprehensive database containing descriptions of the seasonality of nitrogen dynamics within a basin and the hydrological process, including soil moisture and groundwater dynamics, is required. In addition, it is necessary to construct process-based models based on the results of meta-analyses using such databases covering multiple climatic zones.