| 要旨トップ | 目次 | | 日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 講演要旨 ESJ66 Abstract |
一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-386 (Poster presentation)
Lucidophyllous (evergreen broad-leaved) forest is one of the dominant forests in human-dominated subtropical/warm-temperate region in East Asia. Biometric-based carbon flux measurements were conducted in a mature lucidophyllous forest in Mt. Kinka (35º26′N, 136º47′E) near the northern limit of their distribution, Gifu, central Japan. The forest consists mainly of Castanopsis cuspidata in a canopy layer, Cleyera japonica, and Eurya japonica in a subtree layer. The net primary production of the forest was 7.3 tC ha-1 y-1, of which 1.6 tC ha-1 y-1 was partitioned to biomass increment, 4.4 tC ha-1 y-1 to aboveground fine litter production, and 1.3 tC ha-1 y-1 to fine root production. The total amount of annual soil surface CO2 efflux (soil respiration) was estimated as 7.7 tC ha-1 y-1, using a closed chamber method. The estimated heterotrophic respiration, which subtracted annual root respiration from soil respiration, was 3.7 tC ha-1 y-1. Biometric-based net ecosystem production in the forest was estimated 3.7 tC ha-1 y-1, and was quite high compared to tropical evergreen forests. Our results indicate that the mature lucidophyllous forest acted as a signify carbon sink, and that the sequestered carbon being allocated in roughly equal amount to living biomass and non-living carbon pool.