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日本生態学会第66回全国大会 (2019年3月、神戸) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

I02 Plant population / Plant community / Succession and regeneration (3月17日 14:30- Room I)

【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles

Responses of plant traits to 23 years of experimental warming in alpine plant communities *Juha ALATALO(Qatar University), Gaurav Baruah(Univ of Zurich), Ulf Molau(Univ of Gothenburg), Yang Bai(Chinese Ac. Sci)

2種の海草(Zostera japonicaZ. noltii)に対する緯度と温度の影響 *伊藤美菜子(北海道大学), Mary I O'Connor(UBC), 仲岡雅裕(北海道大学)
Latitudinal and temperature effects on seasonal patterns of two intertidal seagrass species, Zostera japonica and Z. noltii *Minako ITO(Hokkaido University), Mary I O'Connor(UBC), Masahiro Nakaoka(Hokkaido University)

北海道におけるコケモモの繁殖システムと形態特性の生態型変異 *Akimi Wakui, Gaku Kudo(Hokkaido Univ.)
Ecotypic variations in reproductive system and morphological traits in Vaccinium vitis-idaea in Hokkaido *Akimi Wakui, Gaku Kudo(Hokkaido Univ.)

Being epibionts: micro-distribution of sessile organisms on a living gastropod *Yumiko OSAWA, Mutsunori TOKESHI(AMBL, Kyushu Univ.)

Assessment of Historical Pattern in Land Use Land Cover Changes for the Reclamation of Post Mining Landscapes: Case Study of Ashio Dozan, Japan *Ruby MENSAH, Fumito Koike(Yokohama National University)

カナダ北極域のツンドラ群集から考える植物群集集合における中立性 *Keita NISHIZAWA, Ryo Kitagawa, Shota Masumoto, Akira S Mori(Yokohama national university)
Reinterpreting the role of neutrality in community assembly from the tundra plant community in northern Canada *Keita NISHIZAWA, Ryo Kitagawa, Shota Masumoto, Akira S Mori(Yokohama national university)

The fate of pioneers – differences in growth of woody plants on Mount Usu *Vegh Lea, Shiro Tsuyuzaki(Hokkaido University)

Community-ecological analysis of lianas in a seasonal evergreen forest in northeastern Thailand *Yutaro Fujimoto(Kyoto Univ.), Kaoru Kitajima(Kyoto Univ.), Mamoru Kanzaki(Kyoto Univ.), Chongrak Wachrinrat(Kasetsart Univ.), Surachit Waengsothorn(Sakaerat Environ. Res. Sta.)

スキャナ法を用いた温帯混合林における樹木根フェノロジーの評価 *桑辺七穂, 大橋瑞江(兵庫県立大学)
Evaluation of root phenology in a temperate mixed forest using a scanner  method *Nanaho KUWABE, Mizue Ohashi(University of Hyogo)

Mechanisms of the negative correlation between biomass and specific production among tree species and sites in tropical forest *Takashi S. Kohyama(Hokkaido University), Mathew D. Potts(UC Berkeley), Douglas Sheil(NMBU Norwey)

Combining metacommunity and trait-based approaches predicts species abundances distributions in biological communities *Masatoshi Katabuchi, Kaito Umemura, Thomas Koffel, Litchman Elena, Klausmeier A Christopher(KBS, Michigan State University)
