一般講演(口頭発表) H04-06 (Oral presentation)
Ongoing collapse of avifauna in temperate oceanic islands close to the mainland in the Anthropocene【EPA】
*Daichi IIJIMA(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Izu Isl. Ornithol. Res. Grp., (Current: Tsukuba Univ.)), Haruko ANDO(NIES, Izu Isl. Ornithol. Res. Grp.), Tohki INOUE(Izu Isl. Ornithol. Res. Grp.), Masashi MURAKAMI(Chiba Univ.), Shun ITO(Shizuoka Univ.), Shinpei FUKUDA(Toho Univ.), Nozomu J SATO(Japan Bird Res. Assoc., Izu Isl. Ornithol. Res. Grp.)