【A】ポスター賞候補 /
Poster Presentation Award applicants
【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が日英併記の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or posters are in both Japanese and English
【E】英語発表:英語による口頭発表、および、英語による説明動画が付属するもしくは英語での口頭説明が可能なポスター発表 /
English presentation: Oral presentation in English or poster presentation with English talk movie and/or English conversation
【O】オンサイト発表 /
Onsite Presentation
【S】公募セッション /
Open Session
English Presentation Award applicants
Predation of aquatic animals by mid-sized mammals in agricultural fields【EPA】
Foraging strategies of wood mice for insect-infested chestnut acorns: Do mice change their behavior depending on the type of insect infestation?【EPA】
The weeding behavior of Stegastes nigricans under ocean acidification stress【EPA】
Insights into the foraging ecology and northward movement of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) using stable isotopes and satellite tracking【EPA】
Age-related changes in habitat utilization of black-tailed gulls: Older use the sea less【EPA】
Puffin parents huff and puff to feed their chicks: Tufted puffins manipulate prey fish with repeated beak movements【EPA】
Water-borne chemicals from bio-fouled plastic might be the key to marine debris mis-ingestion in green turtles rather than visual cues【EPA】