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ESJ56 シンポジウム S10
3月19日9:15-12:15 E会場

Isotope applications in ecosystem ecology

Organizers: Nobuhito Ohte (Department of Forest Science, The University of Tokyo), Ichiro Tayasu (Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University)


Many kinds of isotope techniques have been applied for investigations of the biogeochemical cycling and food web structures of various aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems during past two decades. We attempt to review the background, history and recent progress of isotope related studies, and then to discuss about perspectives for the technical development and new applications, which will be available for ecosystem ecology in near future. The 1st to 3rd topics are basically on biogeochemistry. The 4th to 5th topics are on ecology, and food web studies, etc.

Commentator: Dr. Eitaro Wada (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan)

[S10-1] Isotope applications in catchment hydrology and biogeochemistry Nobuhito Ohte (Department of Forest Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan)

[S10-2] Marine and estuarine nitrogen cycling revealed by coupled N and O isotopes of nitrate  Scott D. Wankel (Department of Organismic & Evolutionary BiologyHarvard University, USA)

[S10-3] Use of geological isotopes in ecology Takanori Nakano (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan)

[S10-4] Food chain length in lakes, streams and islands David M. Post (Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, USA)

[S10-5] Nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids as a tool for estimating food web structure  Naohiko Ohkouchi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan)

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