ESJ56 シンポジウム S12
3月19日9:15-12:15 H会場
Organizers: Yoshinari Tanaka (National Institute for Environmental Studies), Jeremy Fox (University of Calgary), Jon Norberg (Stockholm University), Owen L. Petchey (The University of Shefield)
There is a threat of degraded ecosystem services due to anthropogenic disrupting factors, such as global warming, loss of habitats, invasion of exotic species and chemical pollution. For predicting functional responses by ecosystems to environmental changes a theoretical framework that links the changes in ecosystem properties induced by environmental perturbation to the corresponding changes in ecosystem processes or functions. The present symposium is intended to cover the recent development of trait-based approach for mathematical modelings and data analyses which aggregates community properties in terms of statistics of functional traits within communities, and to give consideration to future scope of the approach in extending resolution to find causal mechanisms for biodiversity-functioning relationship and establishing an analytical framework for ecosystem risk assessment.
Organizer: Yoshinari Tanaka
Commentator: Takeshi Miki
[S12-1] The trait-based framework: Understanding environmental change and biotic responses Jon Norberg (Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University, Sweden)
[S12-2] The Price【Equation】of Species Loss Jeremy Fox (Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Canada)
[S12-3] The phenotypic variance-covariance structure and ecological interactions as determinants of trait dynamics under changing environment Yoshinari Tanaka (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
[S12-4] How species traits are linked to functional diversity and ecosystem function Owen L. Petchey (Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, The University of Shefield)