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ESJ57 一般講演(口頭発表) K1-03

Differences in beach and mountain Pandanus species

Susanti, R. (Kagoshima Univ.), Suzuki, E. (Kagoshima Univ.), Miyamoto, J. (Kagoshima Univ.)

Pandanus species distribute in tropical and some subtropical areas, from coast to the mountain. Comparison among beach species (Pandanus odoratissimus) in tropical and subtropical areas, and mountain species (P. furcatus and P. nitidus) was conducted to understand their growth strategy from 2007 to 2009. Transects were established in West Java, Indonesia; Tokunoshima, Japan and Mt. Gede Pangrango, Indonesia. All individuals in transect were labeled and parameters of their morphological characters are measured. Stem elongation was measured. Beach and mountain Pandanus had different structure of population. In the beaches, large and dense populations were established, and many seedlings were produced from seeds. P. odoratissimus in tropical area grew faster than that in the subtropics. In the mountain area, species had scattered distribution and rarely became dominant species. They made few fruits. Seedlings originated mainly from sprouts but rarely from seeds. P. furcatus and P. nitidus grew in same habitat, and similar in the stem elongation rate. The former tended to have stout and vertical stem, the latter had slender stem with many branches. This difference in morphology may enable their coexistence. Pandanus species may reach 100 years rather long lived plants in monocots.

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