ESJ57 一般講演(口頭発表) K1-06
*Champika Ellawala(Saitama Uni.), Asaeda,T.(Saitama Uni.)
The effect of turbulence on a characean algae Chara fibrosa was studied in 6 liter microcosms under three turbulent conditions and one non-turbulent control. Plants experience an oscillatory movement in the presence of turbulence and it was quantified in terms of angle of displacement from the neutral position. It was 3.58±0.69o, 2.19±0.19o, 0.54±0.26o in high, mid and low turbulent levels respectively. Rate of photosynthesis was less in high turbulent tank while it was higher in other turbulent levels compared to control and in the mean time high respiration rates reveal that more use of synthesized carbon sources in all turbulent conditions. Carbon content of plants also show the same trend of increment in low and mid level and it was less in high level compared to control. Therefore plants were not able to use the increased carbon uptake for their growth.