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ESJ57 一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-152

Litterfall dynamics in mangrove Kandelia obovata stands on Okinawa Island, over four years

Sahadev Sharma*(Univ. of the Ryukyus) Rafiqul A.T.M. Hoque (Univ. of the Ryukyus) Kangkuso Analuddin (Haluoleo University) Akio Hagihara (Univ. of the Ryukyus)

Litterfall dynamics was quantified in a belt-transect (5 m × 125 m) of Kandelia obovata (S., L.) Yong stands over four years. The seasonal trends of leaf, stipule, flower and propagule litterfalls were not different among the years. Branch litterfall increased exponentially with increasing monthly maximum wind speed. The autocorrelation coefficient showed a clear one year cycle for all litterfalls, except for the branch litterfall. The stipule litterfall, i.e. an indicator of new leaf flush, positively correlated to the leaf litterfall, which suggests that the leaf litterfall followed the production of new leaves. The stipule litterfall decreased up to a minimum value with an increase of flower-propagule litterfall. This result indicates that the new leaf flush can decrease with increasing flower and propagule production, but there exists a lower limit of the new leaf flush.

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