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ESJ57 一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-267

Urban landscape and its environmental reciprocal impacts in Hanoi

*Nguyen Vu Giang, Nobukazu Nakagoshi (IDEC, Hiroshima Univ.)

Located in alluvial river plains, Hanoi city is characterized by its surface water bodies, green spaces and culture. However, these specific landscape elements are facing with significant changes due to the sprawling ubanization that consequently impacts on urban living environment. This study is conducted to identify the characteristics of the city landscape dynamic, quantify the changes of urban surface water bodies, green spaces and build up areas during the urbanization using gradient analysis and landscape metrics. Research is also focused on urban landscape ecological function of surface water bodies and green spaces as well as their combination for better landscape planning. Preliminary results have showed that surface water bodies and green spaces have been significantly replaced by build up areas. In the other hand, analysis on land surface temperature indicated that daytime surface temperature of water bodies and vegetation covered areas is notably lower than build up areas and industrial zones. Thus, an integrative land use planning and management system at strategic level should be considered to contribute better city landscape. The harmony distribution of surface water bodies, green spaces with other urban land use types could mitigate internal urban heat and adapt with the current trend of climate change.

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