ESJ57 一般講演(ポスター発表) P3-191
*Yoo, S. (Korea Univ.), Lee, W.K. (Korea Univ.), Son, Y. (Korea Univ.)
In recent years, carbon is one of the most important keywords in the world, because it is the main component of carbon dioxide(CO2) and methane(CH4), which are the major factors of global warming. In the other hand, Carbon dioxide is one of the necessary factors for photosynthesis by vegetation. So, it is very important to find out the dynamics of carbon in ecosystem and develop a Korea specific carbon flux model for preparing adaptation measures to climate change. This study is the preliminary research for applying previously developed carbon flux models to ecosystem of the Korean Penninsula. To simulate the flux model, it needs to collect various type of dataset. There are four types of dataset including climatic data, soil data, topographical data, remotely sensed data. Climatic data such as daily precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, and wind speed, were prepared from Korean Meteorological Administration(KMA). And, Soil properties data were collected from Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) and National Academy of Agricultural Science(NAAS). Finally, albedo and vapor pressure deficit data were obtained from remotely sensed data of Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS). With these data sets, we tried to apply various carbon flux models to the Korean Penninsula.