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ESJ57 一般講演(ポスター発表) P3-205

Comparison of forest soil carbon models and their applicability in Korea : A Review

*Yi, K., Lee, A.R., Son, Y. (Korea Univ.)

Modeling of soil carbon dynamics has been widely studied because of its advantage in estimating change of carbon dynamics according to environmental changes or disturbances, and avoiding labor-intensive process. Especially, as concerns of global climate change have been increasing, role of soil carbon model is becoming more important. However, modeling of soil carbon dynamics has been rarely studied in Korea. Moreover, in case of applying foreign models to soils in Korea, we still encounter obstacles such as lack of investigated input data for model and model validation. In recognition of this, we compared 10 foreign developed carbon models to establish very initial stage of Korea-specific forest soil carbon model development. Models discussed in this study were YASSO, ROMUL, SOMM, ROTHC, GENDEC, CENTURY, Sim-CYCLE, Forest-DNDC, FORECAST and CBM-CFS3. Particularly, we focused on their mechanisms taking place in soil. We considered input and output data, environmental factors affecting on model mechanisms, pools and other general characters of models as major specifications of models. Through analyzing models and investigating available input data in Korea, we discussed applicability of models on forest soil in Korea and suggested required studies to develop Korea-specific forest soil carbon model.

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