ESJ57 一般講演(ポスター発表) P3-206
*Yang, A.R., Son, Y., Noh, N.J., Lee, S.K., Jo, W.Y.(Korea Univ.), Kim, C.(Jinju Nat'l Univ.), Bae, S.W., Hwang, J.H., Lee, S.T.(Korea Forest Research Institute),
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of thinning intensities on soil carbon (C) storage in Pinus densiflora stands, Gangwon Province, Korea. We measured soil C storage (0-30cm depth) and soil characteristics in the Pinus densiflora stands: 55-year-old stand and 25-year-old stand. Study stands were thinned in 2008 with different thinning intensities by stand density (control, Ct: 0%, moderate, M: 30%, heavy, H: 40%). Soil C storage was significantly different between thinned and unthinned plots only for the 55-year-old stand (69.6 for H, 62.1 for M > 57.0 for Ct), however, those in the 25-year-old stand were not different among plots (46.9 for Ct, 45.3 for H and 40.4 for M, respectively). These results suggested that the thinning can be applied for the forest management practices to increase C storage in forest soil, and plays an important role to influence C storage for the Pinus densiflora forests.