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ESJ57 一般講演(ポスター発表) P3-305

Contribution of litter and coarse woody debris to carbon and nitrogen cycles in Pinus densiflora forests

*Noh, N.J., Son, Y., Lee, S.K., Yoon, T.K., Lee, A.R., Seo, K.W. (Korea Univ.), Kim, C. (Jinju Nat'l Univ.), Bae, S.W.(KFRI)

This study was conducted to investigate the contribution of litter and coarse woody debris (CWD) to carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles for Pinus densiflora with two different stand densities in central Korea. Total litterfall input was higher in stand density 600 (SD600, 7.67 t ha-1) than that in stand density 938 (SD900, 6.92 t ha-1). Decomposition rates of needle leaf during 930 days were not significantly different between two stands and ranged from 40 % to 55%. Total CWD mass (t ha-1 were 8.1 for SD600 and 9.3 for SD900. Decomposition rates of CWD for were 12.8 % for SD600 and 3.9 % for SD900. As a result, total C contents (t C ha-1) in litterfall and CWD were 4.01 and 3.78 for SD600, and 3.61 and 4.81 for SD900 while total N contents (kg N ha-1) in litterfall and CWD were 59.7 and 17.7 for SD600, and 53.7 and 20.4 for SD900. These results suggest that the contributions of litterfall and CWD to C cycle could be various depending on the stand density, and the contribution of litter to N cycle is much higher than that of CWD.

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