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ESJ57 一般講演 口頭発表

D2 英語(分野は不問) (3月17日 (水) 15:15- 会場 D)

[D2-05] Individual-based modeling of host-parasite dynamics in continuos space *Chiho Kaito(Nara Women's Univ.), Fugo Takasu(Nara Women's Univ.), Ulf Dieckmann( IIASA )

[D2-06] From high resolution optical satellite data to above-ground biomass estimates in tropical rainforests - a landscape level case study in a production forest in Deramakot, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo *Andreas Langner, Kanehiro Kitayama

[D2-07] Phylogeography of Camassia quamash in western North America: postglacial colonization and transport by indigenous peoples *Hiroshi Tomimatsu (Tohoku University), Susan Kephart (Willamette University), Mark Vellend (University of British Columbia)

[D2-08] Restoration of the abandoned coal mines by applying tolerant plants and soil ameliorators Lee, C.S. and W.S. Oh (Seoul Women's Univ.)

[D2-09] Variation in stable isotope ratio and concentration of anion regarding in-flight water KATSURA Hidemitsu*, KOBA Keisuke, SAITO Wataru , SASAKI Yuji, TAKEBAYASHI Yu, WAKABAYASHI Kenji, YOH Muneoki (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), FANG Yunting (SOUTH CHINA BOTANICAL GARDEN)

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