

会長からのメッセージ -その3-



 新型コロナウイルス感染が国際的に拡大し、Stay Homeが世界的な合言葉となっている中、わたしたちは、離れているけど結びついている、直接会えないけれど関係は失わないということを、常になく実感したのではないでしょうか。


 しかしながら、宮下直副会長をはじめとした執行部で相談し、日本生態学会(ESJ)は人種差別問題に関して「公正・平等」という価値をESAと共有していることをはっきり表明すべきだと考えました。また、The sooner, the betterでもあるので、ESJ独自の声明よりもESAの声明を支持するというレターを送るという案を考え、理事のみなさまにもご賛同を得ました。

 以上の経緯で、6月4日付で、ESAのOsvaldo Sala会長あてにレター(参考2)をメール添付でお送りしたことをご報告いたします。

(その後、日本時間で5日午前2時に、Osvaldo Salaから早速、お礼のメールがきたことを付け加えさせていただきます。)

2020年6月5日 会長 湯本 貴和

参考1 (ESA Letter to the Community)

Dear ecological community,

We reach out to you today in sadness and solidarity. Recent acts of violence against the Black community as seen in the horrific killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, have sparked protests across the United States. They underscore the long history of racism and discrimination in our country. Racism and prejudice continue to harm scientists, future scientists, and the communities they serve. We echo the message of these protests: Black lives matter.

Ecology, like other scientific disciplines, is and has been dominated by white faces and voices. Ecologists can and must do more to fight structural and societal injustices. We all must stand up and speak out when we see racial injustice and how it impacts our colleagues. Black ecologists are subjected to racial bias while working at field sites, at meetings, in labs and classrooms, and in life: Our students and our colleagues have been stopped and questioned about their right to be on public lands while doing research or in other public spaces based on their skin color alone. This must stop.

As a professional society, ESA commits to redoubling our efforts to challenge and break down inequities as we advance the science and practice of ecology. This will not be the last you hear from us – this is an ongoing, long-term commitment and we will be updating our community on our efforts.

Osvaldo Sala

Laura Huenneke
Immediate Past President

Kathleen Weathers

参考2 (ESJ Stands in Solidarity) PDF

Dear President Sala:

We have been following the news about the recent incidents of grave racial injustice in the United States. The Ecological Society of Japan stands in solidarity with your community in denouncing violations of human rights instigated by prejudices, wherever they occur in the world.

We recognize that structural injustice harms every community in the society, including the community of our profession. As ecologists, we strive to make the world a better place for humanity and nature, and respect for human rights across cultures and borders is fundamental to that goal. We wish to continue to work with our international colleagues in confronting discrimination and achieving a more just world.

Sincerely yours,

President, Ecological Society of Japan
Takakazu YUMOTO

President-Elect, Ecological Society of Japan
