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March 8-12, 2011 Sapporo58th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ58) |
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New Chitose Airport is convenient for visiting The Sapporo Convention Center. >From New Chitose Airport, go to Sapporo Station by Rapid Train "Airport" operated by Japan Railways (JR). It takes about 37 minutes.
Then change to the Nanboku Line, Sapporo Subway. Get off at Odori Station, which is the first station from Sapporo Station, and change to Tozai Line. Go to Higashi Sapporo Station, the 3rd station from Odori Subway Station. It takes about 20 minutes from Sapporo Station to the Higashi Sapporo Station.
>From Higashi Sapporo Station, 8 minutes walk will take you to the Sapporo Convention Center.
It takes 5 minutes on foot from the Sapporo Station. The access map to the Hotel, provided by the Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo, may be helpful for you.
Reception desk will be open as follows;
March 8, 2011 | from 13:00 |
March 9 - 12, 2011 | from 8:30 |
The reception desk is expected to be crowded between 14:00 and 15:00 on March 8 and in the morning on March 9. Those who will check in Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning are highly recommended to come early enough for attending sessions.
Please wear name tag in the place. General meeting, award ceremony, and award recipient lectures are open only for the society members.
Online registration is possible until Friday, March 4, 17:00 (JST). Please apply for the participation in the registration system linked from the ESJ58 official web site (http://www.esj.ne.jp/meeting/forms/reg/index.cgi?E-page). After you have finished the registration process, please apply for the online payment system which is provided by the JTB AMARYS, https://amarys-jtb.jp/esj58/.
The Book of Abstracts is optional and requires additional charge, 3,000 yen for regular member or 2,000 yen for students. If you need the Book of Abstracts, order it at the registration process on the website. Limited number of copies are available on site. We will sell the Book of Abstracts in order of arrival, so, please forgive us in case of sold-out.
The Book of Abstracts will be able to be downloaded from the official website as PDF files. Also, abstracts will be easily viewed at the official website ( http://www.esj.ne.jp/meeting/58/index-e.html) anytime. You can view abstracts with a mobile phone capable of the Internet access by QR code printed on the Program Book.
We have parking lots in Sapporo Convention Center. It takes 200 yen for the first two hours, and 100 yen for each additional 30 minutes.
Please enjoy the banquet starting at 18:30 on Thursday, March 10, 2011 at the Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo. It takes 5 minutes on foot to the hotel from the Sapporo station. Application for banquet is still available on the official web site. On-site application will only be accepted when the registrants do not exceed the capacity of the place at the beginning of the ESJ58. Please apply as soon as possible.
A day-care center will be open in the Sapporo Convention Center during March 8-12. Application is required to use the day-care center before Monday, February 21st.
Details on available time and charge will appear on the website of the ESJ58 organizing committee, http://www.fsc.hokudai.ac.jp/esj58/.
If you wish to use the day-care center,
the age of the child, sex, number of children,
the day you want to use day-care.
before February 21st (Mon.).
We will send you a guide and an application form by return.
Please contact us
if you have any questions.
The ESJ58 meeting will be subjected to the rules written in the bylaw for the ESJ meetings (Printed in the program in Japanese). All the participants should keep the bylaw and notices below, and follow instructions by members of the organizing committee, chairpersons, and session managers.
Permission by presenters is required for taking photographs or video images of oral and poster presentations. Even with permission, photographers or camera operators should be careful not to entail a good deal of trouble in the neighbors.
A few meeting rooms can be used as resting rooms. We will provide tea at the rooms. You can find some vending machines in the place.
You can eat lunch at the restaurant in the Sapporo Convention Center, however, the capacity of the restaurant is not enough for all the participants. Lunch boxes will be on sale.
Commercial complex, iias Sapporo, is located a few minutes walk from the Sapporo Convention Center.
Smoking is allowed in designated smoking area only.
If you are a student or a postdoctoral fellow searching for a research job, you may indicate "Career Explorer Mark" on your oral or poster presentation.
Download Career Explorer Mark file from The Japan Society of Applied Physics Website ( http://www.jsap.or.jp/activities/annualmeetings/CEmark.html) and indicate it at the title page of your oral presentation or near the title of your poster.
Session rooms are equipped only with an LCD projector and a personal Computer. Windows XP, Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 and Adobe Reader are installed on the PC. The use of your own PC is not acceptable.
Instruction for preparing presentation file
Please pay full attention to the above equipments.
In preparing presentation file,
you should understand that your presentation file will be registered
in advance and preloaded on the PC in your presentation room.
You should also follow the following instructions.
Your Power Point file should be compatible to Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 on Windows XP. Only the standard font sets on this OS are acceptable and the use of animation is not guaranteed.
A file made on Mac OS should be converted to a Windows file and its validity should be confirmed on a Windows PC before registration.
A file prepared on PowerPoint 2007 should be saved not in the form of PowerPoint Presentation (*.pptx) but in the form of "PowerPoint 97-2003 presentation (*ppt)."
The size of your presentation file should be as small as possible (less than 20 megabytes). Make sure to avoid including high-resolution photos or graphics. It is possible to insert movie clip or so into your presentation file, if the resulted file size is smaller than the limitation. However, we do not guarantee it works as you intended.
Deadline for submission of your presentation file is 17:00 (JST), Monday, February 28, 2011. Please register your file on the official web site before the deadline.
The name of each file will be automatically generated.
If your presentation file is not registered by the deadline,
you will not be able to use the projector in you presentation.
If you need not use a PC and an LCD projector in your presentation,
please notify the organizing committee via email
to the organizing committee
by 17:00 (JST), Monday, February 28, 2011.
Without the notification, your presentation will be canceled.
Each presentation at the oral sessions should be 15 minutes long (12 minutes for presentation followed by a 3 minutes question and answer). Sounds of a bell will inform you of elapsed times from the start of your presentation; first at 10, second at 12 and finally at 14.5 minutes. Please be strictly punctual.
At the start of your presentation, an operator in your session room will operate the PC and show the first slide of your presentation. Then, either you can operate the PC by yourself or you can ask him/her to operate the PC.
Each presenter should take the chair of the next presentation to his/her presentation. A member of the organizing committee will take the chair of the first presentation in a session.
Poster presentations will be posted on March 9, 10 and 11 in the Room P.
The position of your presentation is indicated by the number of presentation on the exhibition board set near the "Information Desk for Poster Presentations" (located in the entrance of the Room P), and on the Poster Presentation Maps at the corners of the room. If you cannot find the place of your presentation, please ask a staff at the information desk.
Please put your posters on the board from 17:30 on the previous day of presentation to 10:00 on the day of presentation
Each poster will be mounted on a 90cm width by 210cm height poster board. Each presenter should prepare pins or thumbtacks necessary for sticking his/her poster on the board. No Scotch tape or adhesive tape is permitted.
Those who have applied for poster prize should mount their poster in the previous day or before 9:00 on the day of presentation. Posters mounted later or not read during the core time will be excluded from the judgement.
The core time of poster presentation is 12:00-14:00. Please stand by your poster and explain your paper on request of the audience during the core time.
Posters should be removed before 17:15.
The Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ) awards Poster Prize to excellent poster presentations for encouraging young scientists. Policy of operation and the criteria for judgement will be found on the website ( http://www.esj.ne.jp/meeting/poster_prize/about-e.html ). Please read it before preparing your poster for application, and take the suggestions in consideration.
As for the presentations which have applied for poster prize, the organizing committee will put a small paper showing "Applicant for Poster Prize". If you cannot find the paper even though you applied for the prize, please contact a staff at the "Information Desk for Poster Presentations".
Awarded posters will be marked with ribbons around 16:00. Award ceremonies will be held at the Information Desk for Poster Presentations on Friday, March 11, 16:30. Award winners should join the ceremony in this period. Award winners who cannot join the ceremony should receive the certificate of award at the Information Desk for Poster Presentations during 16:30 - 17:30 on March 9, and during 9:00 - 17:30 on March 10 and 11.
The best prize winning poster will be honorably posted on special boards from 16:30 to 16:00 of the next day. We ask the best prize winners to move their posters.
The best prize winners who would like to remove their posters before the end of the poster session should ask a staff at the Information Desk for Poster Presentations and remove them. Those posters remaining after the end of the poster session will be disposed of.
The organizers of these sessions should manage the sessions to conclude within the scheduled time. No extension of time is granted.
No operator will stand by for these sessions. If any trouble occurs, please inform the headquarters.
The Organizing Committee provides only an LCD projector. The organizers should bring a PC which preloads presentation files of all the speakers.
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