The 71st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan

Registration Guidelines

Registration and submission

Please use Registration.

How to register

For general participants (including graduate and undergraduate students with presentations)

  • The system that will be used for the meeting registration and payment procedures will differ depending on the date. Please use the ESJ71 registration site until 31st January 2024; after 1st March 2024, please use the meeting platform (ONLINE CONF). Note that registration and payment will not be accepted from 1st to 29th February due to the system transition. The URL of each site will be provided on the ESJ71 official webpage.
  • There is no problem if the registration and payment are made at different times and through different systems.
  • By paying the ESJ70 registration fee, you will be able to use all the functions of the meeting platform. Please make sure to complete the registration and payment procedures before the day of the meeting (Please note that only some functions of the meeting platform, including the payment of the registration fee, will be available when the registration process is completed.).
  • If you cannot log into the meeting platform, you will not be able to upload your poster or check the Zoom URL of each presentation. To reduce problems with your presentation and viewing, we strongly recommend you pay the registration fee and try to log into the meeting platform before the meeting dates
  • When you submit your abstract, you will be asked to select about five keywords of interest.

Participating in the ESJ71 official events as an audience member

  • Non-ESJ members are welcome to attend as an audience member by paying the meeting registration fee.
  • Both ESJ members and non-members are required to apply for their participation in ESJ71 and pay the registration fee on the ESJ71 registration site or the meeting platform. (Please note that the system used for payment will change depending on the date; but it is okay to use different systems for registration and payment.)
  • For the workshops, if you will participate as an audience member only, you can use a Workshop ticket (1,000 yen, Online only, cannot participate in the onsite venue). Please apply from the ESJ71 registration site and purchase a Workshop ticket by 31st January 2024. Workshop tickets can be used for multiple days during the meeting.
  • There is no registration fee for undergraduate students (as well as junior and senior high school students) who will not give a presentation. Please apply for ESJ7 from the meeting platform after 1st March 2024 (a copy of your student ID will be requested at registration).

Proposal for sessions and registration for presentations

  • Registration for presentations and session proposals can be made through the ESJ71 registration site, which will be available around the early October. Please check the ESJ71 official website for the latest information.
  • For details about how to apply for presentations and session proposals, please refer to the following sections in Session proposal guidelines or Oral and poster presentations.

Eligibility for registration

The eligibility for ESJ members and non-members to participate in ESJ71 are as follows. Regarding limits on presentation number, please read “Session proposal guidelines” and “Application for oral and poster presentations” for details.

Session type ESJ member ※1 Non-member
Participating as an audience member
General sessions (Oral and poster presentations) ※2
Organizer of a symposium or a workshop ※3
Speaker in a symposium ※2 ✓ ※5
Speaker in a workshop ※2
Commentator in a symposium or workshop ※4

※1 Regular (general and student) and honorary ESJ members. Supporting members are not included.
※2 Main speakers of the presentations. Co-authors don’t need to be ESJ members.
※3 Co-organizers must also be ESJ members.
※4 Commentator without abstract submission. It is defined as a “presentation” if the participant has registered an abstract.
※5 Non-member speakers are limited to those participants invited by the organizer of the symposium. Please see the sections below about the criteria for symposium proposals.

Flow of registration

The application procedures are somewhat complicated, so please refer to the chart below to see the steps you need to take.

Participation certificate/receipts

Participation certificate and receipts will be issued from ONLINE CONF, not from the registration system. They will be available after March 1, when ONLINE CONF will be open.