| 要旨トップ | 日本生態学会全国大会 ESJ55 講演要旨

一般講演(口頭発表) E1-02

Community structure of coral-associated assemblages

*Daud J, Tokeshi M (AMBL- Kyushu University)

Community structure of coral-associated assemblages

Daud J.R.P, Tokeshi M (AMBL- Kyushu University)

Large varieties of organisms are known to be associated with carbonate structures built by scleractinian corals occurring in tropical and subtropical waters. These associated organisms attach themselves to different parts of coral structures, bore the skeleton, or live on/inside the colonies. Many of the organisms colonizing living corals are also known for their bioerosive effects on coral hosts through their feeding and burrowing activities. The assemblages of coral-associated organisms are thought to be influenced by various ecological factors including coral forms, substrate types, depth, reef topography and may show temporal as well spatial (local and regional) variations. While some previous works on coral-associated faunas dealt with branched Scleractinian hosts, most notably Acroporidae, relatively little attention has been paid to the ecology of faunas found on massive types of corals including some Poritidae and Faviidae. The present study aimed at investigating the community ecology of faunas associated with massive coral, in particular the relationship between colony characteristics and abundance of associated organisms, in the East Asian reef ecosystems of North Sulawesi, Indonesia and Iriomote, Japan.
