| 要旨トップ | 日本生態学会全国大会 ESJ55 講演要旨

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-042

Spatial Heterogeneity and Fractal Characteristics of Vegetation in Groundwater-disturbed Ecosystems

Pan,Y.(Hiroshima Univ.),Nakagoshi,N.(Hiroshima Univ.),Gong,H.L.(Capital Normal Univ.)

A geostatistically based method is used to explore spatial heterogeneity and fractal characteristics of the vegetation of a wetland watershed (Beijing, China) where groundwater table is declining due to groundwater extraction. Variogram models of Kriging are calculated respectively from the groundwater table of borehole and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) of scatted points with the same coordinates. Variogram parameters of groundwater table and NDVI in different directions are calculated and analyzed to reveal their physical implications, including range, nugget variance, and structural variance. Also, fractal dimension of the data sets are calculated. Based on semivariance analysis, the temporal and spatial dynamics of groundwater and vegetation on heterogeneity and fractal are compared and discussed. It is found that vegetation and groundwater have a similar tendency on spatial heterogeneity. However, there is a lag on Fractal dimension between each other.
