| 要旨トップ | 日本生態学会全国大会 ESJ55 講演要旨

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-047

Landscape change and its driving forces in Hanoi, Vietnam

Nguyen Van Quang

Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, one of the most important political-economic-cultural-scientific centre of the country. From 1995 to 2005, the rapid growth rate of urbanization in Hanoi caused fragmented and diversified landscapes, disordered urban development, loss of habitats and reduction of biodiversity. In order to study the changes of landscape in the study area, I use the landscape metrics analysis method in both class and landscape level. The result shows that landscape changes are different between urban center and rural areas, the landscapes were fragmented in urban areas. There were many factors that affected to landscape changes, however, anthropogenetic factors such as socio-economic development, the booming industrialization and urbanization were more predominant than other factors. In conclude, landscape ecological studies on Hong river watershed play a important role in land use planning, land management and ecosystem conservation.
