| 要旨トップ | 日本生態学会全国大会 ESJ55 講演要旨

一般講演(ポスター発表) P2-053

The effect of vegetation change on river flow in Jungnyang stream in Seoul, Korea

*Lee, H.(Hiroshima Univ.), Nakagoshi, N.(Hiroshima Univ.)

Jungnyang stream is one of Han River's tributaries, ranging about 20km long and flowing through the highly developed areas. In 1960's, embankment was built along this stream to protect flood. However, it was designed narrowly as. Since this stream became narrow, it can not hold heavy rain water. As a result, adjacent inlands get inundated quickly and the damages are severe in rainy season. An understanding of the hydraulic characteristics in the compound channel with vegetation is important in designing stream restorations or managing the floodplain.The objective of this study is to make recommendations about vegetation change effect on river flow for stream restoration. Planting permission map which indicates possible planting zone in the floodplain was made by considering stream characteristics except important hydrostructural area according to The Standard about Tree Planting and Management in Stream (Korean Ministry of Construction and Transportation, 1998). Roughness coefficient was computed by various methods and HEC-RAS, FESWMS and the semi two-dimensional numerical models were applied to analyze hydraulic characteristics at Jungnyang stream for 100 years of flood frequency. To simulate the effect of river structures (bridges and Submerged Weirs) was considered using RMA-2 and HEC-RAS models.
