| 要旨トップ | ESJ55 シンポジウム 一覧 | 日本生態学会全国大会 ESJ55 講演要旨

シンポジウム S02

Interface between ecology and social sciences in global environmental change

Organizers: Iwasa Yoh (Kyusyu Univ.), Akiko Satake (EAWAG)

Ecologists are increasingly interacting with social scientists to address questions related to global environmental change. Most ecosystems are strongly influenced by human activities. Human activities in turn dynamically change in response to degradation of ecosystems. Because of this feedback, the study of coupled social and ecological dynamics has become an important research field.

Studies in social sciences have reported that human decision-making is greatly influenced by social and psychological factors as well as economic payoffs. The importance of social factors in human decision-making also has been emphasized in theoretical studies of the evolution of cooperation. These findings encourage us to integrate economic, social, and psychological factors in models of human decision-making, in order to inform successful ecosystem management. We will introduce several examples at the interface of ecology and social sciences.

Commentator: Ayumi Onuma (Keio Univ.)

[S02-1] Evolution of cooperation and ecosystem conservation: coupled social and ecological dynamics for lake water management Yoh Iwasa (Kyusyu Univ.)

[S02-2] Agent-based modeling of resilience in a social-ecological water use system Maja Schlueter (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany)

[S02-3] Integrating human behavior in ecological models with stated choice models - Theory and Applications  Wolfgang Haider (Simon Fraser Univ., Germany)

[S02-4] Terrestrial ecosystems with human activity in Sarawak, Malaysia and Mongolia Shoko Sakai(Kyoto Univ.)

[S02-5] Modelling scale mismatches for pollination and carbon storage services Akiko Satake (EAWAG)
