| 要旨トップ | ESJ55 シンポジウム 一覧 | 日本生態学会全国大会 ESJ55 講演要旨

シンポジウム S12

Ecological Genomics of Speciation

Organizer: Hiroshi Kudoh

This symposium aims to highlight and tackle ecological issues in the processes and consequences of speciation by using the approach of ecological genomics. The field has attracted researchers with broad background and interests. Examples include reconstruction of past ecological interactions during speciation, elucidation of character and niche shifts during speciation, identification of genes that contribute to reproductive isolation, and recreation of ancestral character states.

[S12-1] How genomic studies promote understanding of speciation mechanisms Masakado Kawata (Tohoku University,Japan)

[S12-2] The role of a pigmentation gene and mating preference in Drosophila speciation Aya Takahashi (National Institute of Genetics, Japan)

[S12-3] Genetic dissection of pollination syndromes Cris Kuhlemeier(Institute of Plant Sciences, Switzerland)

[S12-4] Habitat exploitation and adaptive radiation through inter-niche allo-polyploidization Hiroshi Kudoh (Kobe University,Japan)

[S12-5] Macroevolutionary consequences of coevolution in the Phyllanthus-Epicephala pollination mutualism Atsushi Kawakita (Kyoto University, Japan)
