| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第58回全国大会 (2011年3月,札幌) 講演要旨

一般講演(口頭発表) J1-01

The role of Melastoma malabathricum L. during successional process in grassland area, Pangandaran-West Java

Dian Rosleine*and Eizi Suzuki

The study about the pattern of grassland succession and the role of M. malabathricum in early successional process has been conducted from November 2009 to October 2010. Colonization of plant in early successional process takes an important role to define the successional rate and type of vegetation in the latter process. Pangandaran Nature Reserve (PNR) in the southern coast of West Java had three grassland areas; however they were changed into different community types due to management of grassland.

Study site and method: PNR mostly covered by lowland forest, but there are three grassland areas (Cikamal, Badeto, and Nanggorak) for pasturelands of deer and bulls. Two plots of 50 x 10 m2 in each grassland and two line transects across the grassland were established to clarify the species composition, M. malabathricum population, and correlation between M. malabathricum and the other species.

Result and discussion: Early stage of succession can be observed in Cikamal area, then followed by Nanggorak, and Badeto. In Cikamal and Nanggorak, M. malabathricum had high coverage near forest edge and in the middle part of grassland they compete with other open area species, such as grasses, Eupatorim odoratum and Breynia virgata. Few young secondary forest species, such as Rhodamnia cinerea, Guioa pubescens, and Syzygium linneatum can be found inside population of M. malabathricum.
