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EAFES Special Symposium EX04-1

Greenhouse gas fluxes from peatland soils in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

MORISHITA, Tomoaki. Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan

The total area of tropical peatlands is estimated 0.5×106 km2, and half of them were located in Indonesia (Rieley 2001). Recently, a large area of them has been affected by wild fires (Page et al. 2002), and more than 1 million ha of tropical peatland in Central Kalimantan was reclaimed by the “Mega Rice Project” (Muhanmand and Riely 2002). CO2, CH4, and N2O are important greenhouse gases (GHGs) (IPCC 2007). In general, CO2 and N2O are emitted from soils; on the other hand, soils function as both sink and source for CH4 due to soil water condition. Microbiological processes regulate GHGs dynamics. Therefore, soil temperature, moisture, and fertilization affect the GHGs dynamics. Furthermore, GHGs were emitted associated with peat burning not due to microbiological processes. It was estimated that the amount of CO2 released from burning in several reports, i.e. Page et al. (2002) and Hoscilo et al. (2011). However, there are a few studies about CH4 and N2O dynamics. In this presentation, I will show the seasonal changes in GHGs dynamics, especially CH4 and N2O, in relation to soil temperature, moisture, and wild fire.