| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 講演要旨
ESJ59/EAFES5 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P1-191A (Poster presentation)

The ecology and habitat of bats found in caves of Nara Prefecture

Hosokawa, S(Kinki Univ.),Maeda, K(Nara Univ. of Education Prof. Emeritus), Sakuratani, Y(Kinki Univ.)

【Introduction】Bats are a group of mammals which is the largest species in Japan. But the research is few, and many species listed in the Red List. Bats live in Honshu are insectivorous, predation pressure is high, and they are eaten by predators such as raptors. So bats conservation is essential for conservation of biological diversity.

Study of population dynamics were made in Chiba Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture and but only one in Nara

Understanding the use of cave by bats in some caves is essential for conservation because bats change caves from season to season.

This study is to clarify the ecology and habitat of bats in each cave for the purpose of habitat assessment and conservation of bats.

【Study site】Survey was conducted in Kohyoh abandoned mine in Gojo city, in Akakura abandoned mine in Kamikitayama village and Matsuchi tunnel in Gojo city.

【Methods】Bats were counted the population and identified to species. Some bats were captured and released after identified to sex and marked at forearm.
