| 要旨トップ | 目次 | 日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 講演要旨
ESJ59/EAFES5 Abstract

一般講演(ポスター発表) P3-156A (Poster presentation)

Biodiversity Conservation in China.

He Aijun (AGA) et al.

Biodiversity Conservation in China – An Overview

HE Aijun(AGA) & WANG Song(CAS)

China is one of the six earliest counties to sign and ratify the CBD. An overview of the progress, challenges and recommendations are given. In 1990s, the most remarkable work was the National Biodiversity Action Plan lead by the State EPA. Basic research was initiated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Achievements made during the past two decades include development of the Pas, e.g.NRs, wetland, WHs; a framework of relevant legislation has been formulated. Nowadays, over-using, pouching, illegal trading, weak management & EIA, uncontrolled tourism, implementation of legislations, lack of well trained staff & public awareness are major challenges. Recommendations raised are: Promoting development of the regional BSAPs, strengthening fauna/flora surveys and bio-inventory; improving and updating the existing biodiversity information systems; conducting field studies of population ecology, ecosystems, agro-biodiversity, restoration of natural habitats and ecosystems, control of alien invasive species, improving management of Pas and WHs, furthering control of poaching, illegal trade in wildlife; better understanding of value of biodiversity, EIA/BIA of large scaled development programmes, e.g. dams, mining, road construction, etc. Also recommended are improving education and scientific programmes for long-term conservation purpose.
